Sylwia Mrozowska, Arkadiusz Modrzejewski

Słowa kluczowe:
civil society organizations, Georgia, consolidation of democracy


Civil Society Organizations (CSO) as a challenge to Georgia’s democracy consolidation


In the article, we try to present the general characteristics of Georgian CSOs. To this end, we present the CSO development process in Georgia, the basic categorization, opinions of researchers of civil society in Georgia on its current state and the  challenges facing further development of these organizations. We also cite the results of research on the condition of Georgian civil society conducted within the framework
of: Caucasus Barometer, Freedom in the World (Freedom House) or CSO Sustainability Index for Central and Eastern Europe and Eurasia. In the last part, we present the preliminary results of the research project entitled “Civil Society Development for Participatory Democracy in Shida Kartli Region”, which verifies correctness of the theses on Georgian civil society functioning in the literature.

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