The procedure of reviewing scientific writings in Third Sector Quarterly


  1. Authors, by sending an article for publication in “Third Sector” Quarterly, express their consent to the review procedure.
  2. The review procedure takes into consideration the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education developed by the Team for Ethics in Science and described in Dobre praktyki w procedurach recenzyjnych w nauce [Good practices of review procedures in science] (Warsaw, 2011).
  3. Texts are subject to an initial, internal evaluation in terms of form and substance for which editor-in-chief is responsible.
  4. Editorial office reserves its right to return the text to the author to make formal corrections (see: Wskazówki dla autorów [Guidelines for authors]) before referring the article for review.
  5. Each text initially accepted for publishing is subject to verification with the use of an anti-plagiarism program.
  6. The articles submitted, if they comply with the formal requirements, are subject to two reviews.
  7. The reviewers cooperating with the editorial office are persons of high scientific competencies gained outside the institutions with which authors are affiliated.
  8. Scientific texts are reviewed in confidentiality and anonymously. The author and the reviewer do not know their identity.
  9. Reviewers fill in a review form developed by the editorial office.
  10. Reviewers are obliged to state that in the text they review anonymously do not recognise any circumstances which would result for them in a conflict of interests.
  11. Reviewers are not allowed to use the content of the texts in their own publications and didactics before the texts are published.
  12. The author of the text is given access to the review; therefore, they are informed of the review results.
  13. If one of the reviews is negative, the text is rejected, or the author receives feedback indicating the changes they should introduce in order for the text to be accepted.
  14. A positive review qualifies the text for printing, a negative one results in refusal to publish. The final decision on printing is made by the editor-in-chief.
  15. The author corrects the text in accordance with the reviewers’ recommendations and taking into account the suggestions of the editorial office.
  16. The corrected text is published.
  17. The designated person from the journal editorial office is responsible for a correspondence with authors.
  18. The review procedure presented above lasts no longer than three months. In the case of any circumstances which may result in extending the period of time, the editorial office shall immediately inform the author of them.


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