Instructions for authors submitting PAPERS to be pUBLISHED in THIRD SECTOR Quarterly


1. Topics and types of texts approved for publishing

The Editors’ Board accepts texts dealing with the third sector and a civic society in a broad meaning of the term, in particular:

  • articles presenting analyses of problems related to the functioning of the third sector, including NGOs.
  • theoretical analyses of problems, presenting issues important to the third sector in Poland and abroad in a comprehensive fashion
  • legal information and opinions on legal acts regulating the operations of NGOs and de lege ferenda proposals.
  • materials describing both institutionalized and informal civic initiatives.
  • reviews and overviews of Polish and foreign reference literature.
  • polemics with texts published in the quarterly.

The Third Sector Quarterly is a scientific magazine and its topics range from sociology to political sciences, law, psychology, economics, management and other disciplines that are applicable to the researching and explaining of the mechanics of the civic society.


2. Text length

Submitted texts must not be longer than:

  • articles – 14 pages of standard typescript,
  • polemics, interviews, reviews and overviews – 7 pages of standard typescript.

A standard typescript page is 1,800 characters including spaces and punctuation marks.


3. Information to accompany the main body of text

The following should accompany the main body of text:

  • author’s details: their name and surname, degree/academic title, affiliation and – for the Editorial Board’s information only – an e-mail address, telephone number as well as correspondence address.
  • an abstract in Polish with basic theses as well as any and all keywords; up to 100-150 words (no more than 1,000 characters with spaces);
  • 4-5 key words (terms) in Polish and English.
  • the title in English.


4. Format of the text and appendices

The text should be in the doc or docx format, font: Times New Roman 12, one line spacing.

Tables, charts, pictures and other graphics which are to be integrated with the text should also be sent in separate files to allow edition, or in 300 dpi resolution.


5. Formal requirements

The text must be original, written in full respect of copyrights of other people, and related copyrights must not be limited in any way to prevent, pursuant to the law, any modifications, its preparation for publishing, its publication and distribution. Only texts which have not been published earlier and are not subject to other publishing proceedings are accepted. Based on an agreement to be entered into with a publisher, the author will transfer their copyrights to the text approved for publication.


6. References

References should be in so-called Harvard referencing style.


6.1. Books and magazines

In the main body of the text - the author’s name in round brackets (or the scientific editor’s name), a year of publication, page numbers (if quoting), e.g.: (Nowak 2004, p. 73), in references at the end of the text: Nowak, Karol. 2004 Social activities Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.

References and quotes

In the text: As Martin Schulz stresses (2016) ...,  in the references at the end of the text: Schulz Martin. 2016. The third sector in Germany. Translated by Adam Ibramowicz. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego,

In the text: That theory, according to Peter F. Drucker, is the best solution for the civic sector (cf. Jarosińska 2003, p. 203), in the references at the end of the text: Jarosińska, Pelagia. 2003. Peter F. Drucker o ekonomice organizacji obywatelskich, [in:] Paweł Jurajski, Anna Nieobecna (red.), Teorie i koncepcje a polski ruch społeczny, Poznań: Oficyna Naukowa “Ku Wiedzy”.

In the text: It is difficult not to agree with Jerzy Adamiecki’s opinion who points to obstacles preventing young Poles from getting involved in volunteering work (cf. Adamiecki 2001), in the references at the end of the text: Adamiecki, Jerzy. 2001. What is wrong with voluntary service in Poland? Idee i Realia, 34: 101–130


6.2. Legal acts and documents

In the text: Pursuant to art. 17 of the Public Benefit Activities and Volunteer Service Act, in the references at the end of the text (in the section Legal acts and documents): The Public Benefit Activities and Volunteer Service Act dated 24 April 2003 (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] No. 96, item 873, as amended).

In the case of the acts published after 1 January 2012, the number of the Journal of Laws is not specified, e.g. (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] dated 2016, item 1948, as amended).

In the text: The Bierutów gmina councilors decided that they will assign the majority of social assistance tasks to local civil organizations (Resolution... 2016), in the references at the end of the text (in the section Legal acts and documents): Resolution of the Board of the Town of Bierutów no. 23/RM/2016 dated 10 May 2016 on changes to the functioning of a gmina program of partnership with non-governmental organizations.


6.3. Internet sources

In the text: Zryw Foundation intends to continue to take measures in the area of mobilizing seniors (, in the references at the end of the text (in section: Internet sources): [accessed on 12 December 2012).

In the case of articles or other materials with DOI number, such number should be used to identify the source.


7. Principles of the editorial process

After its initial approval for publication, each article is verified using plagiarism detecting software and then submitted for two independent, external, anonymous reviews with which the author will become familiar. Expert texts like e.g., expertises, analyses, case studies, are not subject of external reviews; they are assessed and feedbacked by the Editorial Board.

If one of the reviews is negative, the text is rejected, or feedback is provided to the author including suggested modifications to be made in order for the text to be accepted.

After positive reviews, the text is then proofread and corrected.

The Editors’ Board reserves its right to amend the text, including changing its title.

The Editors’ Board guarantees that texts ready for publication will be authorized.


8. Fees

No fees are charged to authors for the preparation and publication of texts in the “Third Sector Quarterly.” The Publisher offers a modest remuneration for the transfer of proprietary copyrights to materials accepted by the Editorial Board.

Also recommended:

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